Michael Maline

Covington & Burling LLP
Michael Maline is a leading securities and capital markets lawyer with significant experience representing global investment banks, issuers, and investors in public and private capital markets transactions. He regularly advises clients in private placements of equity and debt securities and brings a deep understanding of PIPEs to his work with clients across a wide range of industries. Michael also advises clients on corporate and securities compliance and reporting matters.
11:10 AM - 11:30 AM
Thursday November 14 2024
PIPEs & Confidentiality Agreements: Wall Crossing, Trading Restrictions, and Common Provisions Covering Agents and Investors
- The wall crossing process and sensitivities for potential investors
- Use of MNPI, trading restrictions, industry standard terms and their potential consequences
- Cleansing, drop dead dates and trading
- Is cleansing required when sole MNPI is the fact that a PIPE transaction is being contemplated?